

Skip the Salesman.


Brand Strategy /
Creative Direction /
Visual Identity /
App—UX Design /


Craig Bedard, Nhan Nguyen, Robert Urbanoski, Blaire DeJong

Mark Gervais

Shop live dealer inventory to find a car in minutes and save your weekend.



Leapfrog allows users to search live/local dealer inventories, make offers (based on industry pricing and insider knowledge), and buy new vehicles directly from local dealerships.


Brand Strategy, Naming, Logo Design

As the name suggests, Leapfrog allows users to skip over a middleman. The animation builds on the idea of jumping from point A—B (skipping the salesperson) to complete a transaction.


The logo is designed to look like a vehicle from the side (a VW Beetle or Audi TT perhaps), but it’s also a frog’s head from above.


Website, App, UX Design

At least 99% better than buying your new vehicle the old way. —Robert Urbanoski

How it works:

how it works 1— Find Your Vehicle

find configure configure compare result 2— Set Your Price

price price 3— Arrange for Pickup



In summary


Leapfrog solved a real problem simply and elegantly. It worked for both customers and dealerships.

We raised enough investment capital to launch a v1 of the app, we sold a few vehicles and we even made an appearance on CBC’s Dragons Den.

The brand we created resonated with our leadership team and investors as well as our users.

If I were able do it all over again, I’d want to partner with one dealership only (Toyota). We’d gather feedback from their customers and sales teams, and refine the user experience accordingly.

I’d bring new dealerships and brands onboard only when a fully functional and user tested product was complete.

The end.

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The bottom line

New problems always need creative and technical solutions.

Web3.0 is only beginning to introduce new digital products, build communities, create experiences and redefine brands.

Let’s Get Started.